The walks that my mother and I have done this week have been a bit less frequent and long as we would have hope but it is still a good start. We have been for four walks and all of which have been over a mile at least. Because the first walks have started out a bit miserably I have planned to make more time and get my mom and brother out of the house. I realized some areas of strengths and weaknesses that we need to improve such as time management. With my father on a trip out of the country and a baby in the house it has become a bit difficult to actually get out for a substantial amount of time. I will be working collaboratively with my mother tonight in order to plan and initiate a set schedule that allows us to persevere successfully in our walks. The last walk we did was from our house to Independence Square. We walked about 4 miles which was an excellent start to the more rigorous schedule that is underway. This was good for me and my mom because we're both very busy with school and work so getting out there and actually going for the walk helped to take the stress away. One of our weak areas is actually getting out to walk and once we're out it's not a problem of staying out but recently the weather has been a problem. My goals for this weekend is to sit down and make a schedule (that I will post later this weekend) with my mom and start it as soon as possible. I believe that this can be highly beneficial to the both of us and it will help us to persevere and maybe go into a more active routine.
While on our walk I took a few photos while we walked around and saw the temples. This was a great experience for all three of us because Alex finally got to go back outside and see more of Sri Lanka. Even though he's just a baby and he wont remember any of this I thought it would be nice to get him out and get him more and let him get familiar with Sri Lanka.

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