Thursday, March 14, 2013

Activity Schedule #1

After reevaluating our situation, m y mom and I have worked collaboratively together and have devised a new plan of action. We have decided to pick three days to do our walks: Monday, Saturday, and Sunday. In order to persevere we have decided to incorporate some fun but effective "challenges" into our schedule. 

1. Baby Kissing (push ups): this is basically an exercise where you keep your legs up on a medicine ball (like in a push up position) and you come down and give the baby a kiss. The Challenge: Who can do the most kisses.
2. Hula Hoop: We own a weighted hula hoop. The Challenge: How long you can hula hoop.
3. One Minute Crunch:  In this exercise we lay out on our backs and elevate our legs up in the air and bend our knees with our palms laying out flat on the ground. The Challenge: Who can keep their legs up the longest.
4. Row Your Boat: For this exercise you sit on you butt/the small of your back in a 45 degree angle with your arms stretched out as if you were rowing a boat. The Challenge: Who can stay up the longest/time to beat.
Monday March 18:
We will walk to Independence Square and time ourselves doing laps around the field they have there. We will also include our steps as well as well as the total time we spent out. From this will we will come home and make goals in order to beat our times that it took us to do the certain laps. We will also plan to persevere and push ourselves to do more laps. Some challenges may be included in this day.

Saturday March 16:
·      Because we have other plans today that interfere with our walking schedules we have planned to incorporate our activities into cupcake baking. No. We're not going to eat them because that would be counterproductive. We have planned to be baking for about three hours in total. Our goal is to stay up on our feet and be as active around the kitchen as we possibly can. We will be counting steps that we take in the kitchen as well as do the challenges. 

Sunday March 17:
·      Today will be the same schedule as Monday except we will be trying to beat our times and increase our laps. 

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