Thursday, April 11, 2013

Reflection of Semester

CAS Semester Reflection

        This semester I feel like I was very productive in CAS and I learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses while participating in my various activities. I have learned to identify and overcome my weaknesses and to identify and increase my strengths in certain areas. I've been working with creative writing and I believe that the goal I set for myself was a bit high but I have realized where I can work and what I can do and I decided to mold my skills to the activity I am doing. I have pushed myself in different activities such as RCCI and my creative writing.
       My action program should have had more substance and more concentration because I feel like that is the part that I am struggling with the most. Incorporating that consistent action schedule is something I plan to work on over the April break. I have started a workout routine with my mom but I feel like it could have more structure and discipline. My other activities have helped me to realize many different things. This workout routine has helped me to undertake new challenges and work collaboratively with others this semester. Whenever I found a new strength I wanted to persevere and do it more. The key part is actually getting up to do it. I have found that when I am involved in my activities that I really get enveloped in it and normally spend a lot of time on it. With my creative writing this was the case, whenever I started writing I got really into it and wanted to make whatever I was writing perfect, to my standards at least. I have shown perseverance in many of my CAS activities especially in RCCI. RCCI and yearbook as also helped me to do this because I had started working in areas that I was previously unfamiliar with or, in the case of RCCI, a program that I had only worked in for a short while. 
       RCCI has helped me to realize issues of global importance as well as where my strengths and weaknesses lie in this type of situation. I have always had a passion for helping people in general but mainly children and young adults of all kinds. Getting involved with this problem that is occurring not only in Sri Lanka but worldwide has helped me to open my eyes when I think about supporting different causes such as being communicably impaired or any kids/adults dealing with other disabilities. This program has taught me that even though the kids are out casted by society in most cases that doesn't necessarily mean that there’s something "wrong" with them. When discussing this program with others they normally don't understand why I like it so much but I feel like it's a great opportunity to learn something new about someone that doesn't normally get the attention they deserve. Many people have stuck up their nose at this program because the kids have disabilities that make them different from us but I believe that doesn't matter and RCCI has helped me to realize that and want to get involved and support these kids. 
        Looking back on my time in RCCI I have seen that I really care for the kids that we are involved with because most people wouldn't give them the time of day because of their disposition. This is a common occurrence in many countries, not just Sri Lanka, and it has helped me to not only see it for myself but to rethink the way I treat people and consider the ethical implication of my actions.  Overall this semester has been a great one for CAS because I feel like I've accomplished a lot more than I have in the previous semester. I feel like I undertook new challenges better and I learned a lot from the activities that I was in. I think I learned a lot about myself as well as others and this has pushed me to persevere and work more with what I've been doing and maybe in the future I will break out of where I am now and pursue something a bit more challenging once I get my footing here. I am still learning and look forward to learning more in my coming years, not only when I'm in school but when I have gone to university as well and so on.  

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