Friday, April 20, 2012

Music Makers 2012

Last night (April 20th) I performed in OCSs Music Makers concert of 2012 with Zahara Dawoodboy and Aya Razzaz. We played a song called "I Can't Hear You" by the Dead Weather. I practiced every day in order to be prepared for the show. Before the concert I felt very confident that we would do well. Although I had performed for a large audience several times before, I still had some nerves before going on. I love music so much and it's a big part of my life but playing in front of a crowd is extremely nerve-racking for me. I pushed past my nervousness and pushed myself out of my comfort zone in order to give the performance my best, despite one tiny hiccup. Overall it was a good show and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Ramona- I Can't Hear You (Cover by the Dead Weather)