My goal for CAS:
Achieve a sense of leadership, accomplishment, and confidence in my every day life by working to help others.
During CAS I plan to work with the Fatima Girls School and participate in SAISA Track and Field as well as other activities. I will also try to work with other CAS programs provided in school.
Task 1:
Over the years I have learned that it is a lot better to give, than to receive and if you do good things, then good things will happen to you. During CAS I plan to devote my time to helping others, rather than just myself. My first task is to work with the Fatima Girls School and visit the children. While I lived in Kathmandu, Nepal I visited a school for orphans called Pragya Joti. There we taught the children English and spent time with them reading, playing games, making art, and even going on field trips. While in my community service class in Nepal, we visted a center that housed people with leprosy. My trip to this center was what made me realize that I want to help people. While I was in Nepal I realized that I wanted to help people and that I really enjoyed working with children. Visiting the children gave me a strong sense of accomplishment. Because I enjoy working with children, I plan to work with Zahara Dawoodbhoy, Rachel Prins, and Arshika Chandranath at the Fatima Girls School. While there I plan to do the same activities there as I did in Kathmandu. Visiting the children will help me feel accomplished in my life and will lead me to help people around the world.
(Girls from Pragya Joti in Kathmandu, Nepal)
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